Deeds a woman in her `Iddah should abide by


A: A woman observing `Iddah following her husband's death should abide by the following: 1. She should stay in her home where her husband died and should not leave it except for necessity. 2. She should not dab any perfume on her clothes or body and should not use henna (a plant that produces a reddish-orange dye). 3. She should not wear jewels of any kind. 4. She should not wear attractive clothing. 5. She should not put kohl (antimony powder eyeliner). As for distributing the clothes she wears during her `Iddah, tearing them, or giving as Sadaqah an equivalent value of money and other such matters mentioned in the question, these are invalid acts and should not be practiced. (Part No. 20; Page No. 450) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Fasting (sawm): Its Rulings and Merits